Thursday, May 8, 2008

There is nothing...

There is nothing and I truly mean NOTHING more frustrating then taking a day off work, starting at 6:15 am and never stopping to sit down, and then realizing at 6:15 pm that in spite of my extremely diligent pace, I have not completed my list of things that have to be done!?! Grrrrrr - makes me mad just thinking about it. BUT....

There is also nothing and I truly mean NOTHING like having a husband who comes home from work and dives right in to finish off the remaining items on your to do list. Especially when the remaining items all start with the words "Clean the...". By the time the kids went to bed, I had nothing and I mean nothing (okay I promise that is the last time I will say that) left in my tank, my back was aching and my attitude was rotten. With a dinner party at our house tonight and my parents and grandparents coming this weekend, the house needs to be clean. Cue the husband of the year and that whole other gear that he finds when it comes to cleaning in crunch time. When he sent me to bed, he was still cleaning and when I got up at 4:30 this morning for work, I walked into a clean shower and got ready in a clean bathroom. Praise God for giving me such an amazing man - CLEARLY I need him like nothing and I truly mean nothing (sorry one last time) else in the world!!

1 comment:

Stacy P. said...

I love it! GO ERIC!! :o) Hope you had a great weekend.