Monday, July 21, 2008

Isn't it Ironic...

Aside from Alanis' angry side, I did think the title was appropriate for this blog as my dear husband and I spent the greater portion of the weekend cleaning the house (wait for it)..... before the cleaning lady comes this week. I don't have a regular house keeper but since I am hosting 13 people for a scrapbook retreat this coming weekend we decided to call in some reinforcements to get things squeaky clean. Having never used a cleaning lady in my life, I don't know if this is just common practice but while "picking up" before she comes makes complete sense, "cleaning" seems a little counterintuitive - no? I know I should never complain about my husband's propensity for cleaning but it did strike me as funny when I asked him about what he was doing and his response was "well I just want things to be clean when she gets here"...and by "she" - he of course meant the cleaning lady who by definition sees houses NOT clean all the time. The even funnier part, if you knew us, is that our house stays pretty put together all the time since the two adults living there are a neat freak and a wife of one. The one task that doesn't get done as often as it should is the dusting. While I can come home on any given day to find fresh vacuum lines on the floor, his idea of dusting is waving a rag in the general direction of the dust and hoping that the dust actually jumps on in the nano-second that the rag is there. Now I have heard of dust "wands" that are supposed to "attract" the dust but hmmm....just call me skeptical! I tried to think of other ironic/futile things we do like cleaning before the cleaning lady comes and here where the things that I came up with:
  1. Showering in Texas in the middle of August (I mean you're just gonna walk outside of your room and sweat right!?!?)
  2. Touching a hot plate at a restaurant after someone just told us "this plate is hot" (don't know if this is ironic - or just stupid but we all do it!)
  3. Reading the book before you go see the movie (this is just one I have never personally understood because either way you are ruining the other one - right??)

So what am I forgetting? What are some of your favorites? Help me with this list.....


KirkKrew said...

Love it! I need a neat freak husband. Do you rent him out?

I am so looking forward to this weekend!!! Thanks so much for having us at your house. We'd be there clean or not!

Sara Ratliff said...

Let me know how Margarita does! She got the airmatress and the directions and cleaning wish list. I can't wait for this weekend!

Stacy P. said...

Just to make you feel better...the night before the cleaning lady comes, I always straighten and clean up my house, too...I know, it makes NO SENSE!!