Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Upping the Intensity...with Pride

I know I know, it has been a while... but when life gets busy, blogging gets left behind. I did have a weigh in today (our final one for this six week period) and I lost one more pound. My total for the six weeks was 11.5 pounds which is good but I was a little disappointed in my turtle like progress. I was venting to my sister, who by the way is a fitness maniac including running marathonS (yes the S is capital on purpose because while I understand the goal fulfilling part of running ONE - a person must be ever so slightly mentally imbalanced to do it....again). She was trying to help my frustrations over the sluggish weight loss and suggested that I try upping the intensity of my workout. Not that I can't up my intensity (because seriously - besides her - who can't??!!??) but I felt the need to tell her about my trip to the gym last Thursday morning.
So I took the day off to clean/get ready for our annual Halloween party over the weekend which involved 18 people at our house for food, games, and a costume contest. Even though a busy day was ahead and I didn't HAVE to get up for work, I went ahead and got up at my usual 4:30 am and (drum roll please) went to THE GYM! (Pick up your jaw and keep reading..). So I was surprised to find that they actually have CLASSES at this insane hour of the morning. Honestly at first I thought – what idiots are getting up at this hour to work out and then I reminded myself that both my sister and mom (yes the sickness is hereditary and apparently I didn't get that gene) get up very early and I get up that early for work so…okay not idiots – maybe zealots is a nicer word. ANYWAY, I guess it was too early to have sound judgment because I decided to take this 30 minute “Core Training” class also known by its longer name “Midsection Torture: How to Feel Completely Fat and Uncoordinated”. I survived the class taught by a woman who weighed as much as my right arm and was so proud of myself that I decided to stay for the next class that she was teaching – a ONE HOUR (I would use bigger than capital letters here for the type of emphasis I mean) step class. Now I have taken step before and am a fairly coordinated person but suffice to say it has been a LONG time. At one point in the class she looked DIRECTLY at me when she said “how y’all doing – everybody okay? Take a break if you need to – this is a long class”. Hmmm…. needless to say I was VERY sore the next day and I haven’t been back. It was not that Fitness Barbie the instructor wasn’t good, I just think I need to only do that class on a monthly basis…if nothing else than for my own pride.

Huffman Hallolympics 2008

1 comment:

Sara Ratliff said...

I know how you feel... in one month, I have lost 3 pounds... but we just have to keep on keeping on!!!

Your work out story is cracking me up