Yes there was an actual part 2 to our trip and just pretend that these posts were only a day apart (you can do it - try). We left Great Grandma Kelly's and went out to the farm...where my other side of the family lives. This is a true family farm and has been in our family for 6 generations. I have been going out in the summer for harvest since I was a kid and I have only missed a couple of summers. I was talking to a colleague here in Dallas and said I was "going to Kansas for harvest" and he said "oh - what kind of festival is that?". Silly city people....harvest is not a festival it is HARVEST as in 'harvesting the crops'. Honestly that comment is part of the reason I go out there. It is a part of who I am, who my family is, and that kind of life and those kind of people....simple, smart, hard working, don't complain...that is what I want my kids to see - THAT kind of life. Honestly though, one of the main reasons I go is to spend time with my family. We are a close knit group and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my vacation then investing in my own heritage. I just love to listen to my Grandma and Granddad talk, laugh, tell stories. I am one of the few lucky people at my age who still has healthy active grandparents....and I just want to soak myself and my kids in every ounce of them that I can!
This year the "soaking up" included a new favorite game of Jackson's that is as entertaining to watch as it is to play...Old Maid. Granddad's facial expressions and overall card dramatics were priceless and we ended up playing it every night. We didn't get to ride horses this time as they are down to one horse and due to some sort of illness, it isn't a riding horse anymore. They were just starting to cut the wheat and although it was a little wet still, it looked like it was going to be a good harvest this year...if they could just get it out of the ground. We rode in the combine with my cousin and one of his kids who is close to Jackson's age. She had a 4-H calf that Jackson helped feed - Gavin on the other hand kept his distance. His kind of cow was the stuffed kind which he tried to guard against sharing with one of the other cousins. We also got to go to one of the cousins baseball games, which Jackson could NOT stop talking about and of course we brought our glove in case there were any foul balls. We got our now mandatory picture in the wheat and overall just had a great time! These days the trip does leave me feeling a little tired - like I need a vacation from my vacation but then I look at these pictures and I wouldn't have it any other way! I miss them already!