Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Minor Leagues

Normally I have long sinced moved on and am eagerly awating the first football game of the year but for the first time in a long time, it is about to be September and I find myself still interested in baseball. Our team has a chance to make it into the playoffs...try explaining "the Wild Card" race to a 5 year old sports junkie (another post for another time). We seem to have a good minor league system and have developed some good young players. As I undertand it, the minor leagues of baseball are set up as follows: Single A - Double A - Triple A - Big Leagues (Majors).

With that long and seemingly unrelated opening, I spent some time in the "minor leagues" myself this past weekend. No not baseball - photography. A dear friend of mine is pregnant with twins and on bed-rest at a local hospital. She has brilliantly survived six weeks of this and aside from the obvious limitations, I got to thinking that one thing she would be missing is getting some maternity pictures taken. So I offered my ultra minor league photography skills, which I assured her were somewhere in the Single A category...although one could argue that my camera, in more capable hands, could bat clean up in the majors - but enough with the sports analogies. I took over a hundred pictures and I think we really hit a home run on a few of them (okay sorry - last one I promise). Below are a handful of my own favorites.

(Keep in mind that these are just image captures and haven't been edited for the best quality)


Missy said...

Kara!!! I can't thank you enough!!! You did a GREAT job!! These are so cool! Very precious! You are so creative and talented, and I feel so blessed to have such a sweet and generous friend to have done these for us! We'll have these to cherish forever!!! Love you!!

Matt said...

Great job Kara! Thanks again.

KirkKrew said...

Those are great Kara!

Christy said...

Kara - Those are so cute! Missy is so lucky to have you as a friend. Definetely Major League!

shamerson said...

Kara - those are GREAT!! I am so glad you sent them out.

Chris and Carly said...

oh I did not realize you took these! Amazing!