Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An explanation

I thought you might appreciate an explanation for my extended absence.... which is different from my previous extended absences...and who am I talking to anyway, if you actually read this blog, then I'm sure you have come to expect extended absences from me. So as I was saying (or over-saying as the case may be), the reason for my prolonged absence is that I have a NEW JOB! I was at my old company for going on 14 years and due to a variety of circumstances which can only be credited to the creator of all circumstances, I decided to move on and move forward. This is my second week at the "new job" and everything still feels a little awkward. Not bad mind you, actually really great considering that change of any kind is always hard and after being in the same place for THAT long it is even harder. I don't see how people change jobs every 3 years - I don't know if I could do it. I consider myself a fairly free spirit but man I realized what a hermit I can be in some ways too. Getting out of that comfortable skin that I had been living in so long...a challenge for sure.

One of the best parts about my new job is that I have the opportunity to pick Jackson up from school every day. There is something about seeing him running out of the gymnasium door where the sea of car-rider kids wait for their number to be called. He comes bounding out, backpack flying behind and then he looks, his eyes searching the line of cars for that familiar silver shape. There are few tings (aside from that first sip of coffee) that have give me such a palpable sensation as his reaction when he finally sees me and I wave. If I could bottle up that look on his face and the sparkle in his eyes...ugh - I could live an utterly fulfilled and happy life!

Yesterday when I picked him up I asked about his day and had no idea the story that I was about to hear. He had art class and I said "so tell me about art - what did you do?". As close to word for word as I can remember it - this is how the conversation went:
"well mama....say like that your legs didn't work and so you were retired and you lived in Mexico..."
"wait honey start over what did you say?" (because surely I didn't hear right since A. You don't know what it means to be retired and 2. why would we be living in Mexico)
"I said - say that your legs didn't work and you were retired and you lived in Mexico."
Biting my lip to keep from laughing out loud - partly out of humor at how serious he was and partly out of sheer confusion I said "uh...okay - go on"
"so you're retired in Mexico and your legs don't work so you have all the sisters take care of you"
(okay right because NOW the story is making sense!?!?)
"and since the sisters were taking care of you, I wouldn't have anything to do to help so I would go to the silversmith and get a 'milagro'..." (okay are we even talking about ART class anymore - I'm confused!?! He has A brother - not sisterS and while I have one sister, I'm pretty sure she doesn't plan to live in Mexico with me. He used words like 'retired' and 'silversmith' that I don't think he even understands and words like 'milagro' that I'm quite certain I don't understand! PRICELESS!)
"...and then I would get a milagro in the shape of a leg and put it on the miracle tree and then I would bring the other milagro to you and everyone would say 'wow it is a miracle'..."
Through a bitten lip to keep from bursting out laughing I said "so that was what you did in art class??" (you know - just checking to make sure I asked what I thought I asked)
"yeah...we're gonna finish tomorrow."

And with that - the story was over. I resisted the urge to call the school and ask for the phone number of his art teacher....and her parole officer who should know about her recent drug relapse.

Kids - I tell ya...if it isn't the look on their faces that melts your heart it is their stories that leave you in stitches. Either way - it is really good and really cheap therapy when you are feeling a little out of sorts...like me.

NOTE - I did go home and check that he wasn't completely in left field and "milagro" does mean "miracle" in Spanish. Not that it explains his Mexican retirement plan and strange injury tree - but I'm just saying.


Missy said...

Oh my gosh!! First, glad that you are getting settled in at your NEW JOB!!! I know that it is such a strange and insecure feeling to change jobs, but you WILL get back to that comfortable feeling eventually like you were at your previous job. Hang in there!! That's so great that you get to pick Jackson up at school! Campbell only goes to school two days a week, but I'm SO excited about getting to take her and pick her up when I go back to work. I didn't get to do that last year. As for the story about Jackson (which is where my initial "Oh my gosh!" came from) ... HILARIOUS!!! I love the way your write, and I love even more the way Jackson apparently tells stories!!! You'll HAVE to post tomorrow how he explains the project that they finish today! Too funny! I'm very intrigued to lear exactly what they are doing in art :-)

Lolly said...

Kara, welcome back! I was wondering if you were ever going to blog again. I thought of you last night. For the first time, I made your BBQ Meatballs that Jennifer has been telling me about forever. They were delicious!

As for the restaurant, it was FUN, but notice I didn't say much about the food?

Congrats on the new job!

KirkKrew said...

Hilarious!!! I love Kara stories and Jackson stories!! Glad your work has gone well. I wish we could have visited more Sunday night.

Chris and Carly said...
