Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dealing with disappointment...

We have a HUGE project going on at work right now and the deadline for it is this Friday with a preliminary deadline on Wednesday. Everyone has been working really hard and we are all trying to do our part to get everything done. I had to leave "early" (I left at 5:00pm and had been there since about 5:45 am) to make sure I could pick the boys up from their school in time to make it to Jackson's 6:00 baseball practice. We pulled up and I only saw a soccer practice going on in the open field next to the backstop and I got that sinking feeling that we were about to be dealing with some serious disappointment. A quick call to Eric who checked our home email confirmed that practice had been cancelled. I was mad for having to be in "hustle" mode just to get there and Jackson of course was beyond sad as he sat in the car seat with his hat on and little cleats and baseball bag in hand and didn't understand why he didn't get to practice. He suggested that his tears could be dried by a drink from the Sonic across the street and feeling sad for him (and really who needs that big of an excuse for Sonic ice) I obliged. Of course by the time we were over in the parking lot, he had decided that his sadness was so great that it would require some chicken and tater tots too. What's a mom to do?!

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