Monday, April 28, 2008

Rejoice with those who rejoice...

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15

Why is it that part of this verse is so much easier for me to do than the other part? God put this verse on my heart lately and I have really been struggling with it. Far more than one should struggle with such a simple and straightforward task. It isn't as if I wish ill will on anyone or desire for others not to receive blessings, and it is not as if I have not been blessed and blessed abundantly myself. Why then is it so much easier to console than it is to champion someone? What I have been convicted of personally is that the verse doesn't at all "qualify" the rejoicing. It doesn't say to only do it when the person is rejoicing humbly, for the right reasons, or giving God the glory for their success. It also doesn't say to do it when it is a person you like, or to rejoice just when you feel like it. It simply says to do ifs, ands or buts (qualifications which my personal translation of the Bible always wants to add). Since I seem to struggle with this as it relates to certain people and instances, one might get the impression that I don't have a good example of what it truly means to rejoice with those who rejoice. In fact, the opposite it true - I have such a great example that it is the person whom I go to when I want someone to rejoice with me - my mom! She always exhibits just the right amount of enthusiasm about whatever ridiculously small thing is making my happy. She is positive, upbeat, and even if it is something that doesn't at all peak her interest, she still manages to seem engaged in my explanation of all the nitty gritty details. This won't be the first (nor the last) time in my life I say this - but I really pray that I can start being more like my mom in this area. So feel free to call, email, or post a comment with whatever you are excited about today so that I can practice my ability to rejoice with those who rejoice!!

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