Wednesday, July 16, 2008 it me you're looking for?

Yes I'm back to the music titles...and I thought that not only was the title appropriate since I have been slacking on my writing lately but also thought that this time of morning, a little Lionel Richie sounded easy on the ears. I am in the midst of life right now, nothing exciting per say, just the busy pace of working full time, taking care of two kids and a husband, and trying not to fall asleep standing up or "bark" too loudly at random strangers. I did have a small funny story to share...well at least it was funny to me, maybe a little bit sad, but funny. I digress...

My schedule is a little strange...I am trying to maintain full time status at my engineering firm, so in order to have a day at home with the kids on Friday, I go into work Monday through Thursday at a little before 6:00 am (which with my commute means waking at the ghastly hour of 4:30). I leave the office at 5:00 pm in order to pick the kids up by 6:00, since that is when their school closes. Since I would be arriving home about 6:15 to even start to cook something for dinner and since the hubby isn't due home for another hour and a half (hence leaving me to wrangle the two kids - while cooking), I have been known to find dinner somewhere a little more convenient than our kitchen. My need to give you all of that background just goes to show you that I do have a little bit of guilt for not performing my wife/motherly duty of providing sustenance for the family. On to the funny part of the story (seriously people, I have a wordiness and clearly a focus problem!).

So I picked the kids up from school and I knew I had some chicken thawed in the fridge so I was mapping out in my mind what I was going to cook and how to feed the baby and not give him a little salmonella with his baby food. As we pulled away and headed home, my four year old calls from the back seat "Momma can we go eat Chili's??” While I did think to myself that a Mesquite Chicken Salad sounded mighty tasty, I knew that I should cook what I had at home so I replied "No sweetie, we aren't going to eat at a restaurant". To which he seemed to instantly turn from 4 into a 14 year old and said "No Mom, I mean CURB-SIGHT TO GO". I had to bite my lip to contain the laughter...first that he was so adamant about it and second that he would even know what curbside pick up was...even though to him it was curb "sight". I squelched my laughter to just a chuckle and said "Clearly buddy - you eat out waaaaay too much".

From the mouths of children - I swear! They keep us honest don't they?? Honest...and humored!