Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Just Stop!

I was reading another blog this morning and a good portion of it really struck me as something that I needed to hear and I thought everyone else could use too! Now my "stop it" moments are not necessarily in the primary examples that were given but I sure have them.

Sometimes we just need to STOP IT. Just plain stop it. We don't need to keep praying over it. We don't need to keep deliberating it. We don't need one last shot at it. We don't need five more years of counseling over it. We flat need to stop it. Like, for instance,

*If we're married and we're flirting with somebody at work (calling it harmless), we need to stop it.

*And, Lord have mercy, if any of us are having affairs, we need to stop it NOW. With every second that goes by, the consequences are mounting. Please do not let the enemy trick you into thinking you're getting away with it. You're not. Don't rationalize it. Don't tell me what a jerk your husband is and how you're finally in love for the first time. Get some fear of God and stop it.

*If we're being a brat about something, we need to stop it.

*If we're still punishing somebody for what they did to us, we need to stop it. Enough is enough. Let God deal with them.

*If we're trying to do God's job with somebody, we need to stop it. No Scripture says it more succinctly and exactly than Isaiah 1:16b: "Stop doing wrong." Hear the voice of God say, "I've warned you and warned you and warned you. STOP IT." I say this as a woman to whom sometimes a brief, "STOP IT NOW!" works better than anything.

I know I needed that - how about you?


AndyAdams said...

Very much needed. Thanks. For some reason it's always easier to overlook/rationalize the obvious!

KirkKrew said...

That was great! Thanks for sharing!

Stacy P. said...

Amen sister...I think we all need that, but me for sure!

Lolly said...

Just Do It!