Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Me, I've been a long time gone...

Forgive the music reference once again in the title...it is just the way I am wired. Seriously people if they taught engineering classes to music, I probably would have enjoyed college a WHOLE lot more...and done a whole lot better at it! At any rate, I'm sure you've been wondering where I took off too...or maybe you haven't (let's not be too narcissistic here) but I have missed my blogging. After nine days away from home, seven of which were spent traveling by myself with a 7 month old and a 4 year old a total of 27 hours and 1650 miles in the car - I'm feeling a little like I need a vacation from my vacation. I could post a thousand pictures and tell a thousand blog worthy stories from our trip, but to be quite frank - I'm tired. The thought of having nothing on the agenda for this weekend just sounds heavenly. Okay well not "nothing"...speaking of heavenly, my oldest son will be attending Vacation Bible School for the first time. Brings back a flood of memories for me....I just LOVED to go to VBS as a kid. That was probably because nothing could have been geared more towards me - I mean c'mon people, aside from the Bible teaching, which granted is the most important part, VBS can basically be divided up into three categories: 1. Snacks (food - good, like it) 2. Crafts (yep, that's me, love it) 3. Music (um hello - perfect!, teach me anything). It should be fun for me...oops I mean him (wink wink). I will post pictures of it (and everything else) as soon as I can. Did I mention that I came home to a husband with mono?!? Hmmmm....I wonder if there is a church around here who has VBS for adults!?!?

1 comment:

Stacy P. said...

So sorry that hubby is sick...that is no fun! See you at VBS...love it!!