Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Talk to Me, Goose"

I saw this on another blog recently and thought it was interesting. This isn't meant to be philosophical or particularly humorous and yes it does change dramatically from day to day. Here are my 10 Things I Say to Myself (today)....what are yours??

  1. Man I'm tired, but if I get up now, I will have time to stop at Starbucks... the "snooze button" is for procrastinators, that's what E would say.
  2. If I did one page layout every day, that's 30 pages in a month, 12 months in a year, subtract holidays, add time for the retreat, I'd realistically be caught up.....hmmm - let me start over - that math doesn't seem right.
  3. I need a hair cut, why do I only remember to call her when it is 6:00 in the morning...I'm guessing she is not a morning person.
  4. I'm hungry, I wonder if my fruit is cold yet.
  5. What time is it? Wow - time flies...whether you are having fun or not!
  6. Sometimes I am sooo my mom and then sometimes I am sooo my dad - goodness I love my family! Blessed.blessed.blessed!
  7. What did we do before the Internet? How did we find anything...and more importantly, how did we avoid paying full price for things!?!
  8. Computers can make or break your day...I don't know why but Ebay scares me...I need to post pictures on my blog because G is killing me with his cuteness!
  9. Music is sooooo therapeutic....I LOVE my "Shuffle" (and my sister for gifting it to me).
  10. Why is my memory so bad...ugh that is frustrating!!

Okay I think I talk too myself. Does blogging count as talking to yourself - I sure hope not. I guess it isn't as long as someone else comments (proof that someone besides yourself saw the words). I need to get to work... (thought #11).


AndyAdams said...

To the lone passenger in a Ford Expedition going 75 mph down the highway: "Racing someone to the gas station?"

KirkKrew said...

Love it! I hope you and Mr. Cricut (or is is Miss) are getting along nicely! :)