Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cruisin' on a Sunday Afternoon

Okay so it wasn't Sunday afternoon...but he is for sure CRUISIN' and hey it was another music title!! Take a look at the video below of my "not so baby-like" baby.

1. Yes the shrieking sounding (and very annoying voice) is yours truly. Why is it that we have owned a video camera for well over a decade and I can't seem to remember that when you are filming - you can be heard...VERY clearly!
2. Yes that is an OU football pylon (sub-note: for those non-sports types, a pylon are those things that are at the four corners of the end zones that help signify a touchdown.)
3. Yes we are crazy about sports and in unparalleled anticipation for the impending football season, we have a mini end zone set up in our living room in order to run routes and practice the art of the over the shoulder pass....pinkies together - not thumbs!
4. Yes my dear husband is responsible for the SEVERE brainwashing towards Oklahoma football (although I will share my secret inner joy in hearing my son tell him over the weekend "Daddy let's play and I will be Kansas" :) - there's hope people...there's hope!)
5. Yes this is the first time I have posted a video (pardon the quality...not only have we had a video camera for over a decade - it is the same video camera. It's good but the whole digital video thing was new at the time) - hope it works!!


Anonymous said...

Kara - I just showed Campbell the video of Gavin, which is just so cute!! She keeps saying "again baby, again baby" begging me to play it over and over again :)

KirkKrew said...

He is SO cute! I just want to squeeze him. :) Hope to see you guys in person SOON!

KirkKrew said...
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Sara Ratliff said...

Really neat!! So fun

Stacy P. said...

That is so cute. It was good to see you guys tonight. See you Sunday!!

Chris and Carly said...

ha - I had to act out the "pinkies together not thumbs" to get that. Too cute!