Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Are you ready for some football!?!?

In case you haven't noticed, the college football season is under way! If you have been reading in my blog for very long, you know that my family is certifiable when it comes to sports. (SIDE NOTE: Case in point of this sports obsession was yesterday when I was at the store with the kids and my four year old pointed out this teeny tiny picture on the cover of one of 20 some magazines at the checkout stand and said "hey look Momma - it's Michael Phelps". Okay so maybe we had the TV on a little too much during the Olympics but oh well.) Yes we love our sports and according to my husband, there is none more sacred than college football...oh yes and let's be more specific...Oklahoma Football - because (prepare to gag) "There's only 1 Oklahoma"...and with that the brainwashing begins. So after saying all of this, it should be no surprise that two weekends ago (sorry for the late pictures and posting) in preparation for the opening weekend, we (and of course that means Eric and Jackson) built what we now call - HUFFMAN FIELD. The field made its inaugural debut last year and has KU at one end (for my alma mater) and OU at the other end for my husband. You will notice this year's obvious additions of a longer and wider field, goal post (constructed of PVC pipe and painted yellow) complete with wind direction flags, and pads for the goal post and surrounding trees. Overboard....probably. Impressive....could be. Fun for the kids....absolutely. Satisfying the kid in my husband...most definitely. It is the kind of harmless fun that comes when a shared passion emerges between generations in a family. MY contribution you might ask....well aside from taking video (behind the yellow "media line" of course), cheering while my 4 year old kicked an actual field goal (5 to be exact)... I did the lettering on the goal post pad. This only proved to demonstrate to my husband the "need" for the Cricut lettering machine I have been wanting - score for me! Anyway, here are the pictures...I give you - HUFFMAN FIELD!!

Daddy outlines....Jackson fills in

The finished product!

The OU endzone, goal post and pad, pylon, etc.


Missy said...

Oh my goodness! Now, I was impressed at the baseball field that they did a while back, but this definitely takes the cake! That is VERY cool! I sent the link to your blog to show Matt - he is just going to die when he sees it!

Tracy said...

That is AWESOME!! ...Even if it is OU :) wow!

Stacy P. said...

All I can say is WOW!! Love it!! :o)

Chris and Carly said...

wow - this is amazing!