Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Credit where credit is due...

I've been out of town and have LOTS to post about the comings and goings at the Huffman House but I will save that all for later (since I have over 100 emails currently in my inbox - that's what you get for being gone from the office for 3 days I guess). What I did want to make a quick post about is THE NEW LAYOUT! I have to give credit where credit is due and tell you that a "friend of a friend" named Tracy did the layout for me. I was excited to finally have a blog space that did a little better job of reflecting the Huffman House! You like????


Missy said...

I LOVE it! Tracy did a great job designing, and I love the color scheme and pictures that you picked out! Love it, love it, love it!! AND I ALWAYS love your posts! You write so well, and I usually find myself laughing out loud because I can either relate so much or your precious kiddos can make for some funny stories! The things that kids say definitely make me laugh the most! I love it! OK, now I'm off track....LOVE the "blog lift"!!

Stacy P. said...

Love it, love it, love it!! :o)