Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Walkin', Yes Indeed

Yes another song title but come on, watch the video below and tell me you don't sing that song in your head!

Yep, can you believe it, Gavin at 11 months has started taking some steps. They may be assisted steps, and we may lack a little in the graceful department but we are putting one foot in front of the other....metaphorically AND literally speaking! And just for comparison sake, you can see an eerily similar version of Jackson (at 13 months) back in 2005.

I did have to laugh at the fact that although it is the same toy, Gavin's is mysteriously minus the fun little characters and part of one wheel is broken...poor second kid. I do want to point out however that I was able to capture him doing this on video the very first time I saw reenactment needed (come on moms - admit it, us second kids get a lot of after-the-fact documentation! Sniffle, sniffle...they grow up so fast!


Missy said...

SO CUTE!! That was sweet to see Jackson walking too! Campbell really enjoys the video...she said "Yea Dabnin!!" I can't believe sweet Gavin is starting to walk already!! Time really does fly!!!

Sara Ratliff said...

That is great about the additional weight loss.. I am about to go weigh in now.

Gavin is a go getter!! How cute!

KirkKrew said...

He's such a big boy!! WTG on capturing the video the first time around. I so need to work on videoing(sp?) more often!