Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Terrible Two's...

Okay so this just might be the shortest post in the history of my blog. I have a meeting that is breaking for lunch but before I go back, I did want to respond to the throngs of curious readers (okay maybe just one or two people but "throngs" sounded so much more exciting) about today's Biggest Loser weigh in. It is Week #2 for us and if you watch the TV version you know that this week can be very bad. I would like to point out that one of the contestants (who by the way had no other job, kids, life or otherwise to deter him from the sole purpose of eating right and exercising) actually gained 3 pounds. Further proving my point they said that in the entire history of the show, no one has even so much as lost more than 2% of their body weight. So preparing myself by keeping all of that in mind and forgetting the rather motivating number I got the first week, I stepped on the scale and was not too disappointed to only have lost 1 pound. It was a loss, which is gratefully moving in the right direction, so I will take it...and gladly. More importantly, I am starting to see and feel the results and that makes me happy. A friend of mine is starting the Biggest Loser this week, her company weigh in is tomorrow so I say "Win Sara"...or would that be "Lose Sara"....anyway, you get the idea. Short post huh...well I guess it is all relative!


Lolly said...

A loss is better than a gain. Keep that in mind. I would be very happy if I lost 1 pound this week. But hey, when I am trying to get satisfaction from Five Guys, it just doesn't work.

As Mick Jagger would say, "I can't get no satisfaction."

Keep up the great work :)

KirkKrew said...

Good job Kara!! Keep up with it because I'm sure Week 3 will be great!!! I'm so excited for you.