Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prayers for Caden

My neighbors growing up were this dear Christian couple named Ed and Peggy White. Their son Darin is my age and we have known each other since we were four. Darin's son, Caden, is five years old and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. After much treatment and prayers, he has been living cancer free (Praise God) for the last six months. I just received word that the cancer is back and the new tumor is growing rapidly. The doctors are saying that the cancer has developed immunity to it so additional treatments would be ineffective. We fully believe in the power of God to heal Caden, the doctor's have numbered the time in weeks. Please find your knees and pray mightily for this sweet boy and his wonderful family. I have included a link to his website (CADEN WHITE) and encourage you to go there and read the update from the family as I feel my words are so inadequately expressing the situation. My heart breaks for them and my broken heart seems to render my writing senseless.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prayers Needed

I received an email from my sister today that literally stopped me in my tracks. Here I was late to work because I was home with my 11 month old who had both pink eye AND strep throat. Then I get her email about this unimaginably brave young woman named Stephanie and it put my very small problems into perspective.

I am giving you my friend, Stephanie's, website address. She is the one I told you that was diagnosed with Gamma Delta lymphoma of the skin. She has been through the ringer....kidney problems, dialysis, fluid-filled lungs, feeding tubes, ventilators, congestive heart failure, and last week they found cancer in her liver via a PET scan. She had two diff. forms of chemo. last week, but her liver did not respond to them. Her liver has stopped performing its normal function of ridding her body of toxins and is solely trying to fight the cancer. Thus, her bilirubin is at a 38 and the toxins are going into her body. The average person goes unconscious at a 15, but our Stephanie has been conscious, even singing hymns as her family and friends held a mini church service around her bed yesterday. She even requested bible verses. She also put on her own chapstick yesterday. Jen, she is so amazing and strong, not only as a person but in her faith as well. Please help me pray for a miracle for her. Please pray that God heal her liver, that He rid her body of the cancer and heal her completely, for her husband, Eric, for her to be able to go home and hug her boys, Zach,7 and Cole, 4 and so that her 4.5 month old daughter, Gracie, will be able to know her mommy. My heart is breaking in two for them. At this time, she is in God's hands. So, all we can do is pray, pray, pray.

Please take a moment to pray for her, her family, the doctors, etc. Check out her website too as it is an amazing testimony for her faith.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Costumed Kids

Like most people last Friday night, we went trick-0r-treating. It was not without drama since Jackson was "strongly opposed" to the grim reaper costumes of a couple of the neighborhood kids but finally he decided that it was fun. Since Gavin isn't walking yet, he just strolled along behind and instead of collecting candy, he just made mental notes for his first official trip next year. I don't have all the pictures yet as I am the only person in the country who still uses a film camera BUT I do have a few quick pics of my costumed kids - ENJOY!