Thursday, November 13, 2008

Prayers for Caden

My neighbors growing up were this dear Christian couple named Ed and Peggy White. Their son Darin is my age and we have known each other since we were four. Darin's son, Caden, is five years old and was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. After much treatment and prayers, he has been living cancer free (Praise God) for the last six months. I just received word that the cancer is back and the new tumor is growing rapidly. The doctors are saying that the cancer has developed immunity to it so additional treatments would be ineffective. We fully believe in the power of God to heal Caden, the doctor's have numbered the time in weeks. Please find your knees and pray mightily for this sweet boy and his wonderful family. I have included a link to his website (CADEN WHITE) and encourage you to go there and read the update from the family as I feel my words are so inadequately expressing the situation. My heart breaks for them and my broken heart seems to render my writing senseless.

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