Sunday, January 11, 2009

Catch up Post #1 - The Haircut

Well since my oldest son has declared his intent to be the next Vidal Sassoon, I thought I would show you what my youngest thought of his first trip to the salon. It was blissfully uneventful (praise God) and we were the only customer there when the haircut started. In fact, the only time he seemed to even show emotion was for approximately one minute when he dropped the duck he had been holding for security. He looked like such a big boy and took it all in stride....

With brother there to show him the ropes (J reminded me that he wasn't getting his hair cut here - "I go to Sportclips"- mental rolling of the eyes)

The "before" picture....did I really let it get THAT long?

"Hey - check out my new ride!"

"A car, a cape -this place is pretty cool"

The first CUT...

"So pretty much I just sit like this the whole time? Well this is easy!"

"But I dropped my ducky...."

"...oh good, blue ducky is back- continue on with whatever you're doing"

"what about clippers?? - I hadn't even noticed.."

"I'll just look down here while she cuts the know me Mr. Accommodating"

A little gel...and more importantly, a BALLOON!

Tah Dah! ALL DONE!

"Mommy says I'm a pretty handsome fella"

I would say I just got lucky that time but I have been back for another haircut since (remember this is the first of many needed catch up posts)and he was just as unimpressed with it the second time. YEAH! I know I am completely and shamefully biased but who wouldn't love this face!!


KirkKrew said...

Wow! He did so good! Landrie and Karsyn are always so somber when they get their haircut. Something about that chair puts them into a zombie state! He looks so grown up and so cute with his hair cut!

Stacy P. said...

Precious...just precious!! Those pictures are great!!

Lolly said...

How adorable! Those look like really kissable cheeks.

Chris and Carly said...

Wow - looks like he did GREAT! And so cute!!