Monday, July 13, 2009

"Life Happens" and then you Blog...

I have come out of my blogging hiatus to bring you the following: I would like to title the picture on the right below as "I Fought the Cabinet and the Cabinet Won". While I won't bore you with the incidents that surround this unfortunate picture, I will tell you that the past couple of weeks will forever be known as "The Bloody Nose of 2009". Poor Gavin!

Being ever so smart for his mere 19 months of age, he has employed a new security system....and yes I suppose I should tell him that he has it on backwards but it wouldn't be nearly as cute!

Overall, he rebounded well though and continues to seek out healing waters (also known as any pool - or "pooo" as he says). He LOVES the water and is enjoying his summer. I will hopefully have more pictures from our harvest trip (and no it is not a festival - it is actual harvest you city people) coming soon.

Many apologies for the long hiatus, as I like to say "life happens and THEN you blog". Thanks for staying tune....uh hello....Bueller?...Bueller?....anyone there???? (crickets chirping)


shamerson said...

I am so excited to get an update! When did Gavin become such a little boy. Man - can't these kids ever just stay babies???

KirkKrew said...

Seriously shocked, but pleasantly surprised at your update! :) Poor Gavin--that looks painful! I'm glad he's healing and right back up to little boy antics. Keep on postin' girl!!!

Missy said...

Oh my goodness!! I check your blog tonight to see I'm behind on TWO posts!! WOW!!

Poor buddy! His poor nose!! Love the pics with the helmet :-) !!!

The Kaspars said...

I love reading your blog, you crack me up. I would totally let Rilee put a helmet on just for good pics :), too. The boys are getting so big!! Thanks for the update.