Monday, April 6, 2009

Picture Pages

Since I seem to be developing this terrible habit of taking long hiatuses (is that a word?) between posts, I thought I would attempt to redeem myself. On a side note (man, one sentence into this post and I am already derailing myself - further proof of my lack of literary prowess....except I did just use the words "literary prowess" - that's gotta count for something right? Okay now I'm just talking to myself...actually - worse I am typing out my conversation with myself - okay stop it...seriously back on track - or at least back to the side note)... did anyone else read the title of the blog and start singing to themselves the little jingle "Picture pages, picture pages, time to get your picture pages, time to get your crayons and your pencils"....No? No one watching "educational television" in the late 70's early 80's??? Okay yeah - me neither! hmmm....

Now, I do know the hierarchy of the blogging world, particularly as it relates to my own little corner of cyberspace. Personal stories are above copied ones, kid stories are above adult stories, and PICTURES are above all else. So since I wanted to come back from my long absence with a bang, I thought I would post these pictures from our family photo session weekend before last. The pictures were taken by a young up-and-coming photographer who is a friend of a friend and she did a great job, check out her website for more information. She took over 100 photos but these are a few collages I created of my personal favorites. Keep in mind that Jackson was "trying" to smile most of the time (hmmm...) and Gavin, well he's 16 months people - enough said. Even still, my family is truly one of God's greatest blessings!


shamerson said...

I love the pictures. They are great!!!

KirkKrew said...

Those are GREAT!!! How did you do the collages?

KARA said...

Jenn- the collages I just threw together in Publisher...they aren't "print worthy" but good enough for the blog.

Missy said...

What great pictures!!!

I hope to post mine soon too!

Lolly said...

Great pictures Kara. And I am glad you updated. I was wondering if you were every coming back.

The Kaspars said...

Kara, these pages are great and the pictures are fantastic!! I can't believe how big the boys are getting.