Thursday, July 16, 2009

July Trip ~ Part 1

I decided that the sheer number of pictures, stories, etc that I have from this trip requires me to break it up in parts (otherwise, let's be honest, I might not get a post done about it). I do want to point out, even if I break my arm patting myself on the back, that I am actually blogging about something in the SAME month that it happened! Are you proud or what!? Once slice of humlbe pie - table 4 please....ummm pie - wait I think I'm loosing my train of thought.

Back to the trip. It was just the kids and me and we left on Friday morning at about noon. Our first stop was at their Great Grandma Kelly's (about 6 hours). They did great on this leg of the trip but after 6 hours in the car (with only one very short potty stop), Gavin was ready to be out of the car - for sure! We had a fun time though at the house, at a local park, and then at a little water area adjacent to a park only a block from her house. Quite a fun filled 24 hours!


Missy said...

What sweet pictures!! That is so great that she can do so much with them!!

The Kaspars said...

That looks like fun...can't wait until part II :)