Tuesday, July 14, 2009

School Pictures

Can you believe it - two days in a row...pace yourself Kara blogging is a marathon not a sprint. Oh who am I kidding, if it was a marathon I would be dead on the side of the blog at mile 13 (okay mile 7...okay so it might be mile 5 but I am in much better shape these days!!). If you are keeping track (you know who you are) this is TWO DAYS IN A ROW that I am posting something. One could argue that being gone from blogging for so long I have lots to post about and while one might be right, one might also just quit analyzing it and enjoy the post! One might also quit talking in obscure tenses where it is difficult to read... yes I know.

Wanted to share this year's "school pictures" that I got recently from J&G's school. There weren't a lot of choices so if you are wondering why I would select a picture of Jackson where he looks like he's grown an ivy tail and is participating in the world's most elite smile staring contest, just know that it was the only one I got. He redeemed himself (or at least his smile) in the picture with his brother...but let's talk about that brother...is it just me or does he look like he is about six years old in his individual picture!?! If I had any misconception that I still had a baby because I could legitimately still count his age in months - that was out the window when I got these pictures. The 'cap & gown' picture killed me too...mainly because it reminded me of what he said as we were driving home from the little graduation ceremony they had. We were no more than out of the parking lot and he asked "so...do I start Kindergarten tomorrow morning??". He is so excited and I am glad that we only have just over a month to wait!!


KirkKrew said...

Precious boys!!! Now I need to get busy blogging lest you start keeping track of my posts. :)

Missy said...

Love the one of the two boys!!! Gavin totally DOES look like he's six....a little man already!! Jackson's smile in his individual picture made me laugh...he's trying so hard :-) ! Oh my, already a picture of Jackson in a cap and gown??? Where has time gone?