Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And now a word from Andy Stanley

My husband and I not too long ago led a video Bible study on direction by Andy Stanley with our church small group. For me he has a way of narrowing it all down and speaking both directly and really practically to my heart. I ran onto this summary of his latest book and I can't wait to go get it! I love to read but my life right now leaves very little time for pleasure reading...except for books on tape due to the ridiculous amount of time I spend in my car. I'm going to see if this one is out on tape and if not I may have to just get it anyway and make the time to read it. I don't know about you but there were some words even in this short summary that I really needed to hear!!

* Direction–not intention–determines our destination.
* You don’t have problems to fix; you have directions that need to change.
* Our problem stems from the fact that we are not on a truth quest…We are on a happiness quest. We want to be (as in feel)happy. And our quest for happiness often trumps our appreciation for and pursuit of what’s true.
*Choosing the right path begins with submission, not information…Specifically, submission to the One who knows where each path leads, as well as where it doesn’t lead.
*Don’t trust your heart, trust God with your heart.
*God’s will for your life will always line up with his law, his principles, and his wisdom.
*It is next to impossible to hear the voice of wisdom if we are not really listening for it to begin with.
*What gets our attention determines our direction and,
ultimately, our destination.
*…the principle of the path in 3 words:attention, direction, destination
*The things you give your attention to function as the directional beacon for your life.
*When we resist God’s will for our lives, we are in essence resisting God. When we resist the priorities he has established for us through Scripture, we resist him.
*Knowing doesn’t make the difference. Doing does.


shamerson said...

Thanks for sharing this - it looks like a good one!!

Missy said...

Sounds VERY good!!

KirkKrew said...

Looks good! I see another HT lesson in our future! :)

Lolly said...

Yeah, Kara, you are back at it. I almost gave up on you. Great post. J. Lee read that book and we have used the "what direction are you headed" phrase a lot lately.