Thursday, August 27, 2009

Meet The Teacher

I know school started last Monday but is anyone reeeeeally surprised that I'm running about a week behind on posting pictures on my blog.... uh yeah - didn't think so. At any rate, last week we had "Meet the Teacher" for Kindergarten and it was great.

Jackson got Mrs. McNulty and she seriously is the sweetest teacher. She told us that her grandson was named Jackson so she knew she would remember him. When we arrived, she had a "Treasure Hunt" word game for the kids to play to get to know the room including their lockers, their cubby, and table. It ended with a little treat bag in her library section.

Jackson was so excited about the whole thing and it was cracking me up that he kept referring to it by the "full" name - "Bridlewood Elementary Broncos". He really couldn't wait until Monday to have his first day of Kindergarten. Pictures and a post on that coming soon...but be warned the pictures were slightly borderline obsessive....okay yes - obsessive - but again is anyone reeeeeally surprised - uh yeah I didn't think so!


Sara Ratliff said...

so fun! How did the first day go? I can't wait to hear about it. Also, LOVE LOVE the pics of Missy!!!!!

KirkKrew said...

Now you're just teasing me! LOL!!! I can't wait to see the rest and hear about this week! I'm sure he did great!