Thursday, April 17, 2008

There go my pants....

I'm feeling a little bit of pressure about this - my first blog EVER! I feel like I should say something witty or profound or better yet something very technologically savvy or hip. And instead I'm just rambling...which might be an appropriate sign of things to come if you know my tendency towards wordiness. For some, blogging may be second nature like talking on the phone to a friend or emailing - for me? Not so much. Since I have never done it before, I still don't know exactly what purpose this blog will serve. Updating my family and friends on my life? Sure - that seems like a good reason. Sharing funny stories and pictures of my two crazy kids and wonderful husband? That's a given. A chance to organize my thoughts in what sometimes can only be described as my tornado of a life? Yes that too! So how about we just agree to make it up as we go along...(do you like how I use "we" like I have any IDEA who I am talking to - yet another punch on my Funny Farm frequent visitor card). So that's it - I guess I will just be "a fly by seat of my pants kinda girl - moment to moment - yeah that's me" (name the movie - anyone?). Sounds like as good of a plan as any - so with one quick spell check (just for you Andy) and there go my pants....flying.


AndyAdams said...

Congrats! Welcome to the 21st century! I'm honored to be the first to comment. But then again, if your friends, families, and enemies are like you, this will be the only comment.

AngieSchniers said...

ok so I think I have done this...i have read my first blog ever, responded and created an account. I am now in the 21st century. Woo hoo! I'm going to put this on my accomplishments for 2008. So, now how do I sign up to get updates?

KARA said...

Ang- you are already one step ahead of me since I have never left a comment before (Andy says that makes me a "lurker" but that sounds a little dirty to me). As far as updates...I think you just have to check back for those. I will ask Jenn Kirk (she's to blame for all this really) but for now just add it to your favorites and make a habit to check.

KirkKrew said...

I accept full responsibility for the newest blogger! You've been lurking for some time, so now you've come out of the closet and created your own. (That was all just a little too creepy!) I'm so proud!

Stacy P. said...

YEAH! I am so excited that you have a blog. I will add it to my favorites! Can't wait to read about the many adventures in the Huffman house!!