Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So today is the day. Things at work have been pretty busy (hence the lack of posts) but aside from my engineering tasks, today is D-Day for a program my company is doing that I'm sure you've all heard of - "The Biggest Loser". As many of you know, I am not a huge reality TV buff but I do love a "feel good" story as much as the next person so that show is one that I watch from time to time. I have decided to participate in our company's version since I need to lose weight/get in shape and as one of my dear friends put it - it appeals to my competitive nature. We will have weekly weigh-ins on Wednesdays so I will try to remember to do a quick post then to update you on my progress. You can do your part by praying for my progress and also forgiving me for the longing stare at your pasta and drooling over bread if we are eating dinner together. Otherwise, "I'll see you on the beach"! (sorry - I felt the need to quote the movie Saving Private Ryan since the title of my post was D-Day....and no thank heavens you will NOT catch me on the beach any time in the near future unless they are filming some sort of documentary called "Beached Whales - and the People who Look Like Them").

On a side note, I had lunch with my sister on Monday and can I just say - I love her. We have never done that before that we can remember but she was in town "on business" (don't get me started people - she was here to take clients to the Monday night football game I mean seriously - she gets PAID for this!!) and it was so refreshing to have it just be the two of kids, no spouses, no parents (although we did have to call our mom twice to share a laugh). We sat on the patio (in 80 degree weather) at Cafe Express for two hours and even though it felt like five was heavenly!


Missy said...

Kara - good luck in the contest!! That sounds like a fun way to try to lose weight ... I've seen your competitive side, so they better watch out! That's great that Angie was here on Monday!! I can picture y'all bursting out laughing probably to the point of tears and calling your mom too - so cute!

KirkKrew said...

There's just something about sisters!! And - I can't wait to hear about the competition. Your "Dear Friend" will be getting started on her working out again too. The competition is up her alley too. :) Keep us posted!

Sara Ratliff said...

Well, good luck. I am thinking about joining an online competition one of my co-workers puts on. It is so hard for me though to actually want to start any kind of routine!! Let's try to stick together in this!! That gave me chills reading about lunch with Angie. I can't wait to do that with my sister soon

Stacy P. said...

Girl! I know you can do it!! If anyone can set their mind to it and WIN IT, IT IS YOU!! I will be praying that God gives you the strength and that you are encouraged the whole way!!

Also, I want to be the 3rd wheel on your next sister lunch!! :o)
Love you girls!!