Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Family First!

Well this weekend we finally finished Jackson's first school project. And in a very poignant stroke of fate, my mom and dad ran into my grade school "gifted program" teacher at a football game. I remember her as this wonderfully creative, supportive, and high energy person and apparently she is still exactly the same. Sometimes I just have to marvel how life can be so full circle. Before I get too "Lion King- the circle of life" on you, I will get back to the real purpose of this post which was THE PROJECT! The assignment was to create an "All About Me" poster complete with cut out pictures, personal drawings, and writing. It was given as a family project but I did my best not to"take over" and resisted the urge to really display my creative prowess to the teacher (do we ever grow out of that need to impress the teacher - I guess not....and yes my gifted teacher Ms. Gilcrest would have been proud). I did however let Jackson use my new Cricut machine which he now thinks is "Awesome" which I responded "isn't it?!? sure to tell daddy you think so". He was really proud of his poster when it was done and to be quite honest so was I! Not just proud of the end product but more proud that I managed to keep him focused on completing it. I mean seriously people, the attention span of a 4 1/2 year old could be tested by this kind of thing! The other great thing to come out of this little venture was an appreciation by my son for the experience that is... Hobby Lobby. Again, I got the retort "This is awesome" since he got to pick out a set of colored pencils, a glue stick, and even a spare piece of poster board (simple pleasure people, simple pleasures). It is by far the best $9.72 that I have ever spent there and I even managed to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why you need something "just for decoration" and why fake flowers don't have a smell. Anyway, in case you are actually still reading this long-winded introduction, here are the pictures!

Jackson and his finished product!

A close up...

The "stats"... with blanks as instructed.

His picture of a football helmet, football, and field ("even though ours just has one goal post momma, I want this one to have two"). And yes, (gag) the middle of the field has an OU.

I had to keep him from cutting out the entire "pink side" of the catalog...but honestly, we really struggled with the "not like" list.

Okay now don't ask me where he came up with these, I just wrote them down exactly as he said them...

Unlike the "not like" category, we could have filled a whole page with the "like" category!


KirkKrew said...

Too cute! Did Jackson write in the blanks? His handwriting is good!!

Stacy P. said...

I love the poster!! You know me...a good project is my favorite! Good luck on Wed...I will be thinking about you.

Missy said...

That is SO cute!! It sounds like you guys had fun! That's hilarious about Jackson's new appreciation for the Cricut and Hobby Lobby - love it!!

Lolly said...

Very impressive! I wish I had a Cricut back when I had to do lots of projects for my kids. It would have made my life much easier. I am so glad they are out of school and I don't have to do projects anymore. I was so happy when they went to college and they got to finally do their own.

Chris and Carly said...

wow - this is really neat! You all did a great job!!