Monday, September 8, 2008

A perfect day for football

So just to further solidify our family as official sports geeks (as if "Huffman Field" wouldn't do that all by itself!) I wanted to post some pictures from our Labor Day weekend in Kansas. My parents have season tickets at KU, thanks to their wonderful friends the Magnusons, and thanks to a few more of their friends, they were able to score tickets for Gavin and I as well. Now don't get me started on why a 10 month old who is sitting on a lap the entire time has to have a ticket because I could do a whole post on that!! We participated in the pregame tailgating at a booster tent and then enjoyed the pregame rituals like the band's march down Campanile hill, a visit with the Big J and Baby J, the cheerleaders, and the players entrance. This was Gavin's first game and he did awesome! He took a quick cat nap before the festivities began and then dutifully sat through all four quarters without so much as a fuss - a TRUE Huffman!! The weather was fantastic and our seats were in the shade...all in all, a perfect day for football!

I'm ready for the game - check out my new jersey!
Me with my two biggest fans - Grandpa & Grandma!!

The Ladies - they love me!

I like this Big J - what about you Grandma!?

Baby J is my favorite!!

Go Jayhawks!

Hey there's the quarterback - #5 just like me!

Grandma's arms - the perfect place for a quick nap!



Missy said...

I LOVE the picture of Gavin with the cheerleaders :) .... a ladies' man already!! You took some really cute pictures!

Stacy P. said...

In true Huffman fashion, Gavin is quite the trooper...and a football fan might I add!! Thanks for the pictures...Sydney enjoyed them, too!

Sara Ratliff said...

love it!!! Love the cheerleaders, that is so great.

KirkKrew said...

I'm so impressed! Can Gavin teach my girls how to act at a game? :)

Chris and Carly said...

too cute! Sleepin' in Grandma's arms - is there anything sweeter??