Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday weigh in...

Since I said I would give an update I figured I had better post today about the first official weigh in for our company's version of the Biggest Loser. Mostly I wanted to post because I wanted to specifically thank some people for their motivation and support. First and foremost, I couldn't do this AT ALL without my wonderful husband. He has really been supportive to me and been great about giving me the time I need in the evening to get a workout in. I have posted before about my schedule but suffice to say that the first chance I have to exercise during the week is at 8ish in the evening which is inconveniently also the time when the kitchen needs cleaned, the kids need bathed and put to bed, and preparations need to be made for the next day. I just can't thank him enough for the extra help. Also I know that there are those out there (and you know who you are) that are praying for me everyday and have sent me encouraging emails or called me to pep me up. There is nothing as motivating as having your own cheering section and knowing that there are people who will be excited for you when you succeed and there to motivate you to continue when the chips are down (ahhhhh....chips - sorry I think I just drooled a little). So it is with humble thanks to others that I tell you that I lost 8.5 pounds! I don't expect to have these same results every week (anyone who watches the real Biggest Loser knows that the first week is always big because of water weight and other things which include your body saying "what in the sam dickens are you doing for pete's sake!" least that's the way mine talks to me) but a loss is a loss and I will take it! Hopefully I will have more good news - no matter how small...or big...or - well you know, to report next Wednesday.


Sara Ratliff said...

AWESOME!!!!! WOW. That gave me chills.

I JUST got an email that we are actually doing the biggest loser too within my department, starts on Oct 2, can't wait, wink wink

Lolly said...

Wow! That is so good. I hope you continue to do well because it is a lot of hard work. The best motivation is success and you have achieved that. Congratulations!

KirkKrew said...

Wow Kara! That's awesome!!! Congrats! Keep up the good work!