Monday, January 19, 2009

Picture Challenge

I was reading my sweet friend Heather's blog and she issued a picture challenge. I am posting from work so I was a little afraid of what my choices might be but I must admit that the picture made my heart smile. I followed her directions and below is the picture I landed on:
The picture was part of a collection of pictures I used to make one of those photo bracelets for my Grandma (Jackson's Great Grandma). I needed ones that had good clear pictures of the kids faces and weren't too big. Clearly, Jackson's love of sports started at an early age, I think he was about 18 months in this picture. Eric had taken him to visit his twin sister in west Texas and her husband had a tennis camp going on that weekend. Perfect entertainment for our little ball boy! The other funny thing about this picture is that I have absolutely NO idea who the little friend is in the background. No relation and not even a friend of a friend. I also think it is funny how Jackson would wear a baseball cap all the time, forwards, backwards, whatever! My other son I can't keep socks and shoes on let alone an unnecessary accessory like a HAT! Oh well - still a cute picture and Heather was right - it seems like forever ago and just yesterday all at the same time!
Wanna play along? Just follow these rules:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder
3) Explain the picture


KirkKrew said...

That's such a cute picture of Jackson! I'll have to do the challenge from our old computer because our new one doesn't have 4 picture folders yet... Fun idea!

Missy said...

Cool idea! You'll have to check my blog later...maybe I'll try the challenge ;)! That is SUCH a cute picture of Jackson!! I can't believe how big he's gotten!! Seeing pictures of them so young reminds me of how old they've gotten already :( - he still has that baby look in this picture! What a cutie!!

The Kaspars said...

I think this is the cutest picture ever!! I like the challenge idea, too thanks for sharing :)