Monday, June 9, 2008

Everybody loves lists....

Yes, it has been a while since I posted but between being out of town for my Grandpa's funeral and a nephew's graduation, reaching the summit of Mount Laundry, and side stepping a landmine better known as "the flu", I am trying to ease back into my normal routine... of being out of town, climbing to the summit of Mount Two Kids, and side stepping a landmine better known as "my life". I know what people mean when they say, I need a vacation from my vacation. I look at my friends too and it seems like everyone is in the midst of some sort of controlled chaos at the moment and we are all just putting on the happy face and walking around like we've got it all under control...we aren't fooling anyone - least of all ourselves! My kids' school is closed today (someone will have to explain to me sometime the actual definition of "professional development" because it sure seems like these teachers have a LOT of it!). At any rate, I am taking the "second shift" at home and I am hoping today to do the one thing that makes me feel on track - make a list. I'm not sure why it is, but for me there is something so powerful about writing down everything that needs done. No matter how long the list is, writing it down seems to make me feel better about it. Some might argue that it stresses them out to see just how behind they are but for me, the longer the list, the more assured I am that nothing is getting left out. Strange I know but it is almost as if just the act of making the list is an accomplishment. I even go so far as to make the first item on my list:
  1. Make List

See - already I can cross something off!! And in case you are wondering, yes it is absolutely acceptable, in fact desired, to write down things on your list that you have already done....crossing things off can be soooooo therapeutic. It is my version of encouragement and takes away that feeling of "where do I start" when well looky there (something my Grandpa used to say) I've already started! So for those of you in the midst of chaos...and if you are under the age of 75 - trust me you are not fooling anyone - you're right there with advice today, is to make a list - grocery list, errand list, Christmas list, bucket list (I really want to see that movie - maybe I will add that to my list)...but whatever the list is I know it will make you feel better because everybody loves lists!!

1 comment:

KirkKrew said...

I love lists too! And don't feel bad about adding things that you did that weren't originally on the list. They are still accomplishments! :) Hope your day gets better!