Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wet Weekend in the Woodlands...

I finally got my pictures uploaded from our trip to the Kane house for Matt's graduation party. They have a gorgeous pool in their backyard and it was Jackson's first dip (or shall I say PLUNGE) for the season and boy was he excited. I think we were there a sum total of ten minutes before he ask if we could get in. You will see from the pictures that they have a big shallow area (a perfect combination of "zero entry" and "steps") and Jackson could have spent all day there "swimming". I couldn't find his goggles on our way out the door so I picked up a cheap pair and while he insisted they fit fine and wanted mommy to leave them alone, they pulled his eyes so tight that his nickname could have been the Shanghai Kid! (you will note the red marks they left around his eyes). I did take the opportunity to try teaching him to dive and to my surprise he did pretty good. We start formal swim lessons this Friday so that should be exciting...for everyone. Our other water boy enjoyed the pool as well. Good ol' Aunt Debby had gotten Gavin a Cars float to ride around the pool in and he looked like he was an old man just out for a Sunday drive. When he started looking a little prune-y around the edges we got him out but if we hadn't, he was content to just sit in the car all afternoon and watch the boys play football in the pool. A very fun and wet weekend in the Woodlands!

Swimming and Diving

Cousin Matt at Quaterback...Cousin Mike at Receiver

Gavin crusin' and hanging with Uncle Tom

1 comment:

AndyAdams said...

I'm sure it was a difficult decision on whether or not to head to the Toyota Center to see the Cure or not. :)