Monday, June 16, 2008

A Lifestyle fast...

Our church is involved in a series right now called "One Prayer". It has been really interesting and this past Sunday we got to hear a really good speaker named Craig Groeschel who said that his one prayer was for the church to be united, not distracted by all the things around us. As part of that for this week, we are participating in what he calls a lifestyle fast. Here is the church's explanation of it:
"What is a Lifestyle Fast?This week, we’re going to fast from
those things that may consume our time and resources and stand in our way of
truly connecting with God. For many of us, this will mean fasting from
technology. Not necessarily all technology, but those things that keep you from
spending time with God. Maybe you watch too much television or surf the web
aimlessly. For others, it could be shopping, sports or another hobby or pastime
that can distract you from what’s most important. Whatever that thing is for
you, take a week off. And instead, give that time to God."
In an effort to do that, this post will be my only one for the week as I am going to fast from television and the Internet. Don't miss read me, I don't think blogs are bad, or technology is bad, it was just something that I do spend a decent amount of time involved in and could manage to do without for a week. So if you are a person who reads this blog regularly (I may only be speaking to my husband here) than I would encourage you to take the time you would have spent reading this blog and instead, as they say, give that time to God. I will let you know next week how it all went for me!

1 comment:

Stacy P. said...

You go girl! No TV for me. Have a great week.