Thursday, June 12, 2008

Like I said...

I was engaged in casual conversation this morning and found myself using the word "propensity", to which my coworker confirmed that I have been using that word with an odd degree of frequency. He said that it seemed to have replaced another one of my common phrases "of some description". Being a wordy person by nature, I'm not surprised to learn that I have a few staples in my vocabulary. It reminded me of my pastor who did a recent post on his blog about his "go to phrases". It got me to thinking - what would make someone utter the words " that sounds just like something Kara would say..."?? Some of these words and phrases may have originated with other people, but in an effort not to point fingers, I will take the blame for my own excessive use:
  • "Seriously..."
  • "People..."
  • "C'mon People" or a combination of the two above "Seriously people"
  • "Clearly"
  • "Shut up..." (used to express shock - never as a way to tell someone to be quiet)
  • " the case may be"
  • "A. ___ and 2.__"
  • "Ya think?"
  • "a propensity for"
  • "of some description"
  • "Dude" (just like the commercials - this can be used as several parts of speech and in several instances depending on the vocal inflection)

Can you think of any others? I'm sure there are words or phrases of mine that I don't even realize I use. And don't kid yourself people - we all have them...what are yours?


KirkKrew said...

Love it! "Seriously people" is one of your favorites that I've adopted for myself...Hope you don't mind. :)

Lolly said...

One phrase that people use alot that goes all over me is, "I'm not lying, I'm telling you the truth." Does that mean that all the other times they are lying?

Stacy P. said...

Love it...CLEARLY you know that I can relate...SERIOUSLY!! :o)